Sunday, August 30, 2009

we are who we are

well 1st i wanna wish jude boy,


he turned eighteen and i was working, hmph, so yea..
i can't say much...



it was great, thx lil for the invitation, i miss hangin out with ma frens...
so some ppl i wanted to knw over there but na, nvm...
hope things will change, to be better...
Now is all, work.. work... n more work
ill upload a vid of me tmr after work...
i like wat i do but sometimes it makes me think...

Monday, August 24, 2009

blue street, white line city, bring on the rain..

Well today was a gd day alot of walking was made..
1st, lil's baptism and confirmation, CONGRATS, wanted to meet heleyna but things went of scale ..
So next met rey, so the plan was like this

-wanted to watch bruno but failed, try but still failed..
-rey wanted to but a pair of shoe at pedro ION but, din had his size
-went/walked to the other outlets(which included plaza singapura and raffles link)but also din had it..

-went back to ION cause i thought the sales person was lazy din wanna chk and bluffing us,but,realli din had his size..

-rey helped me pay for a cap tht i wanted(thx aallloott)

So yea thts much wat happen, i felt sad cause i got wat i want n he didnt,but i hope he find a nicer pair,will pay him back for the cap soon, too..
Overall was a great day(except heleyna upset at me n rey din get his shoe),its onli sunday i can meet up wit rey so i make it the most of wat i can..
see u soon dude..

well im off to bed like rey said, "tmr monday leeeeee"....
so i got alot of stuff to do n im tired...


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Well fast update, work has been gd, nxt mnth will be moving to banquet at carnivore for chijmes which means onli 1 word 3 letters, DIE!!!!
and as the chinese wld say the 3x2 letter word JIA LAT!!!!!
Been playing my psp alot, met up with rey today had subway...

Well i gonna shower now thn off to bed, tmrs monday which means heavy prep...
hope to meet up with heleyna soon, recently shes been tellin me how important to go church and attend mass, i miss her c=....


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Well things tht happen in this week
-bicycle accident
-bought copenhagen NOON watch
-jude tonsillitis, is back
-gonna get psp

So kitchen life's been gd, now every week i gotta plan a fish dish for the set lunch soon will be meat, thn both, WA!
Now i won't be just platter/aboyer, i'll also be the one cooking the dishes hope my cordination will be smooth..
Maybe moving to Carnivore at Vivo for 1 or 3 weeks, low man-power thts why..
Thn ill be at pasta station..
Chio bo my chef plan for me,lol...