Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Today we had a 1st hand view on our practical, i mean cooking in sch
fun fun
so nxt monday we gonna have the real shit c=
and this is my dish

Choux Paste (eclair and its cream)

my dish was kinda over cooked accidently put it to steam instead of baked

anyways met up wit jude n lil
wanted to have subway but had pizza

-lilian's post

Monday, September 08, 2008

Okay. I gotta post this up man!

Jeremy is one very cute friend of mine.
He does the funniest shits ever.
Like today...
We went to Pizza Hut for dinner. (Jude, Him and I)
And we asked if the drinks for the set could be changed from ice lemon tea to Pepsi,
He thought we wanted Pepsi.
We thought he wanted something else.
So Jude said "2 Pepsis and... *gestures towards Jimmy*"
And Jeremy said "2 Pepsis, 1 Coke."


Yea. That brighten up my day la... So cute la he... HAHAHAHA!-

so yea thts wat happen i realli thought got coke thts y i said it with confidence
-oh,ok, thn ill have coke-

went to buy my everlast briefs
thn home


oh i talked to he
leyna =P

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