Wednesday, October 29, 2008

G its great talkin to u
"bloody women/paria"

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

H.A.F, IMY so badly


post on request


Well here's the post =D u've changed well not the part bout ya BF switchin...HEHE!!!!
last i saw u was like HIHS u were'nt fat u look great, pale mayb but i guess u've b'come whiter.....
You speak like a chinese mix eurasian, so i have to admit i was suprise, a lil bit of la and lor but yea....
i was suprise to knw u were express i expected normal academic but yea...
i see u like arts have a great interest in cars ....
so yea im happy u have big dreams...
no more ah-lian and all

well i hope to see u soon

"It's a beat in a box?""It's a beat in a box?""It's a beat in a box?""It's a beat in a box?""It's a beat in a box?"

Monday, October 27, 2008

well now is like uhm...every other now...
i was thinkin about the ppl i've not seen like ages

The Dudettes

1st - madeleine, man have i not see a long tym she and har famous sentence "kor!!! i miss you"

2nd - jana, though i knw her not tht long, i miss her bubbly self n how emo she can be O.o...well ill see her during her confirmation... =D

3rd - manyan, yes man-yan i've just thought tht next tym ill see her im gonna ask her
"eh manyan u frm china or HK" if she say she's frm china....HA!!! i gonna blame her for the china milk....HEHE =P

4th - serene, long tym not seen her too,now she's different no more ah-lian more high class O.o yea i miss the times running away frm her cause she wanted to wack me -.-...hehe!!!

5th - Garett, oh gawd tht women tht uhm..ocampo, do i miss mornin she wished me happy deepavali, even though i don celebrate it...hehe ill get her nxt tym
....eeee garett

The Dudes

1st - jeremiah, man we go long tym back like K1...hehe miss him

2nd - leslie, even though he's supuer duper lame yet still we laugh at him HAHAH!!! miss him too

so yea hope tht ill bump to you all soon =D

Sunday, October 26, 2008

sooo, today was a gd day
met jude and co.
got my springfield shirt....YIPPPEEE
still have money
ehehehehehe =P

Monday, October 20, 2008

sooo, today was another day in kitchen
what we did was Tapas(finger food/bite size) and it had to have chicken in every dish
so it was 4 kinds-6 huh =D
was realli FUN, wanted to do tandoori chicken for one of them but was to late
damn it!!!! -.-

Ma'm ask to cut my hair so i did(again!?!?!?)

tmr sch again, another day to look foward to c=

anyways pics will be up soon and the late pics too...
like, once my bluetooth is intalled to my com

Sunday, October 19, 2008



ok, so this 31 october there will be a halloween party
now i knw wat ur askin..."HUH!..ha-low-in?!?"
yes peeps HALLOWEEN =D

It's the Rockstar Posters Halloween 08

ok so to my friends out there, all of ya'll are invited
now how are ya'll gonna get the invitation?
Well tru me, tag me at my tag box and ill give you a ring
-> now u cant come w/o an invitation so tag me if ya wanna come =D

ok so for the VIP your invitations it will be sent, the (V)ery (I)mportant (P)eeps will receive it soon =D

"it's a beat in a box?" "it's a beat in a box?" "it's a beat in a box?" "it's a beat in a box?" "it's a beat in a box?" "it's a beat in a box?"

Monday, October 13, 2008

soooo..... = }
today was a total suprise finish sch early no prac n tmr also no prac
man?!?! i'm startin to miss kitchen...

so anyways i headed home early
gettin ready to meet heleyna =D... so at 4.10 met her went to plaza sing, check out clothes there, bought my self 2 polo tees c= and bought her a top from cotton on...
she wants to pay me back but naaa its ok, i mean shes my besti her plus how much do i get to see her...

i just wish she'll take gd care of herself
so heleyna enjoy the present hope it fits....

so now im watchin desperate housewives and after tht to da bed


Sunday, October 12, 2008

ok so today was ricky's birthday

happy happy birthday dude =}

-thinned my hair
-went escape theme park =' (not big fan of the rides)
-went to sakura to eat (was feeling slpy)

yea so pics will be up soon

its was fun = D

NNNNNNN -> tmr got sch -.- hoi!?!?!? have to wake up so early

Saturday, October 11, 2008

ok just watch the movie Eagle Eye...
it was great =}

actors- shia Labeouf and michelle monaghan

rate 4/5

man!!!! i cant wait for transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen

Saturday, October 4, 2008

well just went to have breakfast, n check my bank acct....
my pay came in!!!!
well at least half of it
anyways my mom birthday comin i have plans =D 31 oct...HHHAAALLLOOOWWWEEENNN!!!!!!!

The Script - The Man Who Can't Be Moved

anyways im happy to be in a comfort zone wit you
we gotta meet up soon...IMY

Thursday, October 2, 2008

well yesterday was fun went to lil's place at night to hlp ricky study?!?!?!
thn waited for lil come back from work, and tht was like 12-1 am..
ordered macs,ate, played arnd and at 5 - 6 am left for home....
slpt at 9.30 arnd there and now back to bloggin.....

bought maggie mee to eat

ben 'n' jerry
will be eatin tht soon