Sunday, October 19, 2008



ok, so this 31 october there will be a halloween party
now i knw wat ur askin..."HUH!..ha-low-in?!?"
yes peeps HALLOWEEN =D

It's the Rockstar Posters Halloween 08

ok so to my friends out there, all of ya'll are invited
now how are ya'll gonna get the invitation?
Well tru me, tag me at my tag box and ill give you a ring
-> now u cant come w/o an invitation so tag me if ya wanna come =D

ok so for the VIP your invitations it will be sent, the (V)ery (I)mportant (P)eeps will receive it soon =D

"it's a beat in a box?" "it's a beat in a box?" "it's a beat in a box?" "it's a beat in a box?" "it's a beat in a box?" "it's a beat in a box?"

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