Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Just came back frm jude's place it was the last day of sharon(jude sis) off day...

What was b'fore that
well was chattin we dearest garett and manyan and they always make me smile...=D
they webcam so i cld see thm, and like typical G, just to ask me if she was pretty with her new look -.-

- here are the screen shots

but yea they look as pretty as the night sky filled with stars....(be happy ah Garett and Manyan tht i said this =D)
anyways i do miss thm but i knw its hard to meet thm for alot of reasons so im realli hoping i'll bump into thm...

left to jude's place...
left to collect the bikes
off to jalan kayu
back to jude's place
Nnnnnnnnn.... i have a strawberry secret

so now im back home =D
gonna slp now thn watch scv latteerr....

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