Monday, December 29, 2008

Merry X'mas Everyone

24 DEC
Well its has been a great christmas seriously!!!!!...well on the 24 Dec, went for midnight mass to OLPS thn headed down to judes grandma place to party, ok so nth tht excitin....

NNNNN...u get to see andrews classic face =DDD

25 DEC
so on 25 Dec chilled at home din do much but...had great presents n here they are =D
jude - Cat Calender
Dru - DC vault
lilian - starbuck mug

n i got two presents for myself!!! jeremy got a gift for jeremy =D
- TY monkey
- Nutcraker storybook

26 DEC
On the 26 Dec went to Heleyna's place for a small party, met some of her friends thn chat awhile stayed till 2.30 the left for home

27 DEC
went to judes place hlp him for sharons B'day party, thn off to andrews place arnd 9 plus to watch a movie
Movie- The Mist
thn headed home for 28 dec...


lo que paso paso - Daddy Yankee

Well happy birthday sharon!!!!!
Had so much fun...
1st met up wit heleyna monkey thn left for compass to get sharon a present at the body shop...
reached judes place abt 7.30 thn chat and ate thn had to send heleyna back home so at 9.30 took a taxi to drop her off....

Thn i went back for awhile like arnd 1am changed n shower, came back to judes place, saw the police car at his blk...
so i kinda knew hmmm...
party was off music was soft till like 5.30 am jude pump it up abit thn at 6 am party was lauch but before tht like frm 2am to 5am Fiona was stylin our hair...
she did my hair till i look like wolverine, so cooooolll rrriiittee.......=DDDD

so back to 6 am, had shots after shots thn had a good SHOT tht was it laaaa, i was up and goin, down for awhile thn back on....
thn arnd 10 am i was pooped so went to judes bed slpt till 1.30, WHOA, guess wat judes mac woke me up.... it was like
(it is now 1.30pm)
i was like wa so fast....

so i headed home in a cab leg was achin like F ah...
so thn i showered n chilled at home

so to everyone hope ya'll enjoyed ya christmas
new year is comin
ya'll ready O.o


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