Sunday, March 22, 2009

what's worse thn havin a misunderstandin with the person u always run to when u have problems?!?!

Sch no different only gotten worse, im tryin my best to make a change things but its hard, for one person and so many things are happening so fast....
tryin to stop one and at the same tym smt is takin its course i only have two hands i nd help,advise, anything at this moment will do.....
i need smt to put everything at a hault till i find a solution,...
we all wanna reach a destination but we gotta let go of the sand sack we carry at our back...
y cant we all do tht, yes some ppl gotta be stepped over to reach tht destination but so wat we still gotta do it...

"Three weeks ago, he'd seen hail fall from the sky, only to be followed minutes later by a spectacular rainbow that seemed to frame the azalea bushes. The colours so vivid, they seemed almost alive. It made him think that nature sometimes sends us signs that it is important to remember that joy can always follow despair. But a moment later, the rainbow vanished and the hail returned. And he realised that joy was sometimes only an illusion."


Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Well tht was our meeting yesterday, i had a gd talk with shah, i hope now he sees things in a better view and as a leader cope with things more steady, instead of thinkin to much....

well the holis have come, 1 whole freakin mnth....rey got any job!!!

so in sch cp had a fight with vincent thx to rey lol!!!
pukes ah =P

on the way home heleyna called me, talk to her, its amazing how i tend to adopt her personalities or values and things turns out well...

i learnt frm jude and jude problem abt business and friendship and passed it on hope the fren wld adopt tht too....

its not easy to change yourself but is it tht hard to adopt a new way of treating ppl or another value, for example u are a straight forward person and can nvr drop tht, so its ok just be a lil bit understanding n rephrase your sentence and not make it seem so harsh...
everyday i go sch and nth changes not friendship or business till today, but i doubt things will change, i think job that are suppose to be completed will'nt that sad, i just see it happen im just 1 out of 36 students wat difference cld i make except talking to the one who shld make a difference... yes, it won't last that long, but at least long enough to get the job done...
so im happy that today happen, things came out, questions was answered...

only time will tell the truth...

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Well its the holidays alr, guess wat im sick -.-....
stratin of the holis n i have my nose to bother me, but stilli hope it rains alot cause its a gd tym to watch movies or mayb have a walk after the rain...
Is'nt it nice just before it rains, the dim sky appears thn the a strong wind comes, id like to b in tht moment sittin on a bench under a tree
Heleyna's havin her camp, will talk to her when she comes back....
we often have our fights but nvr drifted from each other, its been 3 years alr n i din relise it till she told me to change and not be harsh n straight foward to her let it down to her easily...
its been long since i had a pic wit her....
Sch??!?! man where do i strt, i miss sch but at the same tym i don, im nervous for attachment but i want it,i don realli like some of my frens but i enjoy thm so much, man!! ill miss thm...

Nth much has change at home and in sch....
friendships aint movin up, more to the down, but hey, it wont affect me yet its still a eye-opening experience, i always have someone to run to but she wont b there for long. so iv learnt to make it on my own
-do not test your frens and expect the least from thm

test those who cause u trouble once and are now turnin over a new leaf,
trust the friends hu have been long wit u, but expect least from thm,
trust the new friends n hope u can expect more from thm,
but keep only one so tht ull expect the most from he/she n see tht he/she will catch you when you fall...

Psalms 23:4-even though i wlk through the valley of the shadow of death, i fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and staff, they comfort me.

Numbers 32:23-but if you will not do so, behold you have sinned against the lord,
and be sure your sin will find you out.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Chk this Vid Out!!!!!!

anyways tekken today...
My two best

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I love my MoM
always give me money to buy stuff
ill nvr abuse tht
i ll buy my 50%need 50%want

so like tht fair

Today we went to the beach to cycle, we as in
  • me
  • ray
  • kian ann
  • wenna
  • hazel
  • xuan yan

hazel was roller blading, hahah!!! she cute ah can't break...
the rest of us were cyclin, thn half way through xy scooted -.- HA!...

so we slacked at the beach, cam-whored -.- don knw how many pics were taken...

i realli enjoyed today even if it rained thx guys

-more pics will be loaded-

so ok i started drawin on the beach, =D