Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Well tht was our meeting yesterday, i had a gd talk with shah, i hope now he sees things in a better view and as a leader cope with things more steady, instead of thinkin to much....

well the holis have come, 1 whole freakin mnth....rey got any job!!!

so in sch cp had a fight with vincent thx to rey lol!!!
pukes ah =P

on the way home heleyna called me, talk to her, its amazing how i tend to adopt her personalities or values and things turns out well...

i learnt frm jude and jude problem abt business and friendship and passed it on hope the fren wld adopt tht too....

its not easy to change yourself but is it tht hard to adopt a new way of treating ppl or another value, for example u are a straight forward person and can nvr drop tht, so its ok just be a lil bit understanding n rephrase your sentence and not make it seem so harsh...
everyday i go sch and nth changes not friendship or business till today, but i doubt things will change, i think job that are suppose to be completed will be....is'nt that sad, i just see it happen im just 1 out of 36 students wat difference cld i make except talking to the one who shld make a difference... yes, it won't last that long, but at least long enough to get the job done...
so im happy that today happen, things came out, questions was answered...

only time will tell the truth...

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