Tuesday, May 5, 2009

God created the world in 7 days, in 7 seconds we can end all that and choose not to experience what he created....

I grew up alone as i was the only child, i cld have everything but yet i chose otherwise. I got what i needed and not what i wanted, i always had to earn my wants from my needs. Never knew how was it to be guided by someone, was always guided by my mistakes, had to learn from them so i won't fall again. People tell stories on how their lives are missing of these and that, complain about how their life sucks and how they wish this and that, but they never knew the feeling of emptiness, no matter how you try to fill the blank in, it'll never be it.
Is it love?
There are many more who feel empty inside but they still carry on.
I don't really know, i just take a day at a time.
Surprisingly, i din rely on anyone to carry on, i learnt my values from my friends. My parents was mostly busy from work, they'll be home at night. so whatever happen outside i never brought it home.
The friends i encounter with the missing piece in me that my parents never knew just how my friends will never know.
I believe i'll drift away from the close ones i have but thats how its suppose to be, i grew up alone, i'll make it alone.
People i know had to rely on someone to pick them up or move on. Who picked me up when i was was being picked on or looked down at. The last i remembered was heleyna but so, i just learned from her and adopt her personality.
The people who picked on me are now just nothing. They are still proud and egoistic but they're actually nothing. They're no harm to me and they can never be anymore.
Im glad of who i am and what i am and will never change anything if i could. Like heleyna said "everything happens for a reason" and so everything did and I'm now this person.
After this day i will not regret anything i do, i make my own decision on my own basis, following my heart.

so when he made the world in 7 days i bet he din regret it or had any complain about it, he just stood and see what we had install for him.

On the bright side, everything is comin on an up-pace, i got the exec chef contact of Capella at Chijmes. Nice guy, shook his hand, intro myself to him...
Ma'm called said Brewerks have an opening, so i had to choose between those 2, i chose Capella, as i din wanna follow my frens wanted to make it by myself, see where ill end up...
Tmr i have some phase test again O.o, don realli knw wat...
so yea hoping for the best

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