Monday, September 22, 2008

20 sept
Well yesterday was great...
it was devin's birthday so yea, went clara's place arnd 3-4, help her with the deco and stuff...
arnd 7 peeps started comin and so did devin's friends....
had pizza, long talk with clara and went judes place....suppose to go home after tht...buuuttt, fell asleep at his place -.-

21 sept

this was like just now hahah
came home arnd 10 frm judes place thn din fell asleep use com and my sam...harharhar..
was watchin a malay ghost film but fell asleep so killed tym till like 5 thn i woke up went online with MY SAM....

then got the plans frm jude and clara and lil...

went to meet thm and ate and KENNY ROGERS

so thn after tht i had a birthday cake =D awwww the candles were unblownable(new word) so yea,..
bessssttt...... lil caked me in da face....NOOOOOOOO

my reflexes were too slow
dang -.-
so thn home after tht ....went to judes place for awhile to collect some stuff....

tmr i have work =D MONEY

im happy i got great gifts frm many sides espacially my phone

heleyna-ann fernanderz u don have to get me a gift, havin u arnd and talkin to u makes me happy....u call me darl when im sad and thn i smile... so don get me a gift if u have no money, instead call me and wish me... im just glad to have u here beside me.. =D

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