Saturday, September 27, 2008

ok so yesterday was the last day at my four season hotel...
very sad cause i din get to go to istana...
suppose to but, last min chef told me to stay ={

i started on monday and was working like hell
-peeling mushrooms
-plucking herbs
-slicing and dicing

the last five days reach home arnd 11-11.30 work so hard, prepared myself for the istana and on the last day the chef told me tht i don need to on friday i just left work early, was reall realli sad but, wat to do life's like tht...

working as a chef i learnt alot of stuff one like different cutting methods and straning in the kitchen the are politics...its damn wa lou la...
it made me think if i wanted to be a chef...yea its tiring but tht dosent hit me, its the time u wan money u work full time but u wont have a life kitchen will b ur life...u work part time u have ur own time but money wld b hard for u....

so yesterday i came home early,gotta eat proper food at last, thn fell asleep on the couch woke up arnd 5-6 thn talked to jude online he came over passed me my late birthday present....and guess wat, its faber drive album with all its song, i was so happy after unwrapping don knw how many times -.- ...cld'nt show i was happy cause my backbone was later thn went to judes place had pizza watch smallville and nip tuck...thn left for home arnd 7-8 slpt arnd 9 and now im awake....

gonna call heleyna later

get dinner
and just think.....

oh ya pics will b up soon too

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