Sunday, February 15, 2009


ok today was realli wow!?!?

1st - at 10.30 woke up to bath and rush off to meet ray and hlp him with the cookies
2nd- 12.30 rushed off agai to plaza sing to watch heleyna sing..
(btw she was great like expected, rey said it too =D)

(thx to my F-up phone/omnia/samsung the vidoe of her singin is corrupted, %&*%$#!!!)

3rd - thn at 2pm rush down to city hall to pass christina the cookies but rey was late so i went see see -.-)

so today was hectic but fun

after passin the cookies what me and rey did was walk arnd town, i bot shrits and we went to church =D

so later on went back to plaza sing to eat
bumped into loads of ppl

-prabu n jason
-navin n valerie
- malcom and his gf
-glenn and gabriel
and - serene

so today the whole day was almost me n rey

Chk Outs

anyways saw thi on liz blog
two beautiful singers and very talented, great voice too...

they are Rin on the Rox
ppl pls support thm, iv linked thm so yea chk thm out!!!!

here's a vid

so anyways to was realli fun...
im realli damn happy...
bought stuff
hanged out
watch a singer
met some friends

=D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D=D =D =D =D=D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D

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