Wednesday, February 25, 2009

ell its been a long week of...
alot of stuff, i hope rey will be making cookies its what need right now,
tht ass told him ill pay discount $3 off -.- wow so big ah rey!!!!

Sch has been Sch, its true wat jude say when you work wit ppl in a business,
ul see their true colours...

On a lighter note lil bought shirt, its Green =D, thx thx Free shirt!!!
chk out treadless by the way

Ppl are changin, frienships are too...
espiacially u up there, i hope ul do the right stuff, like how u always lecture me to do...
im proud and egoistic(yes dru i knw im not humble) iv relise tht n wont deny tht,
i got frm u and am realli happy i have parts of u in me....

back to sch tmr
as per normal
like i said, i hope thing change

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