Tuesday, April 7, 2009

So yesterday i met up wit heleyna, wanna knw how

called her to talk to her so while i was talkin to her

heleyna: shit!! my ez-link card no money?!?!?

jeremy: oh man, go top up la...

heleyna: aiya!! i no money with me...

jeremy: -.-...uhm..i can come down and pass u to top up??

heleyna: how long,faster le, i gotta for my voice lesson...you think you can make it?

jeremy: uhm, well... can la i take bus or,

heleyna: ok gd faster come compass...

jeremy: HUH!!! compass!!! i thought hougang i wanted use my bike go pass u the money..

heleyna: Nooo!!! its compass i goin there straight from sch...

jeremy: wtf -.-.. okok i come down now, u just wait... bye...

so i left my place to take 132 to hougang mrt thn go sengkang...
at the bus stop my phone rang again

heleyna: eh u can walk to hougang mrt if u want...

jeremy: no no i talkin bus, very fast come wan, u just wait k, bye..

heleyna: kk bye....

so 132 came i got on, while the bus was on the move my phone rang again...

heleyna: eh u in the bus alr ah, my fren here he can pass me money...=D

jeremy: WA LI LOU EH, i in the bus alr aiya heleyna,...

heleyna: so sry nvm u come 1st i tell my mom u send me till dhoby

jeremy: -.-...ok...

-.- the things i do for her...
so yesterday sent heleyna to her voice lesson came back and had my very late lunch but im happy to see my convent girl after a long time

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