Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Story behind the Dishes

Well hows the dishes,food was done by rey n me, presentation and photography was rey...

Our Exec chef drop so my friend kian ann held a meetin in sch wit mam there, so rey n me haeded down there, our mam talked to us three got us back down to earth and there it started...

Rey,kian ann and me met the 1st day and discuss abt the menu got some great dishes realli tasty...
So the nxt few days to come bfore the deadline rey and me got some money together to buy the ingredients for the dish(kian ann wasnt there as he had his band to see over for the week)...
Man!!! was it tiring..
well for me it was as i was whining to rey but still it was fun, we had our mistakes and got some clues on where to get ingredients so the nxt 3 days we did for town to kovan and vice versa....

We did our 1st dish on monday, i have to say rey did a gd job on the menu, thurs was our last and best dish, while cooking rey and me discuss on some stuff abt things and ppl and also how to go on for the fbec...
There are loads of things yet to be done and are hard to do but yet he'll take a day at a time...
its a short stry here i don wanna spill to much, but yea seems to me Philippinos are hard workin ppl look at rey and heleyna i admire their efforts...

Heres some to the ex-exec chef i told u i got ya back u still chose to drop, now look whos doin a better job thn u and he took onli one try...
u're still my fren but im dissapointed in u and will nvr trust u...
im so speechless yet happy tht it happen....

The presentation had been email to mam, from wat rey said she was satisfied with the menu, man!! was i haaapppyyyy....

there will be more abt this topic but for now tht wat ull get, and i hope i din miss any parts the juicy bits will come soon =D

oh btw rey thx for everything

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