Sunday, May 31, 2009

Well today is Sunday, my event is over alr, im happy =]
Well i realli enjoyed myself workin with rey and kian ann, how rey and i wld always had to go find stuff together and late nights home and how ill call KA fat boy slim and he'll call me tandoori?!?!
so yea, miss those times alr, being a Jr Sous was interestin, there were days i miss use tht rank, there are days i enjoy being tht and days where i felt sucky being one..
But overall i'm realli happy, i actualli wld'nt mind goin the whole shit again,lol...
Ill miss my class and how jokes wld just pop out of somewhere, the chillin out in sch till late thn head back home or even how the shitheads of the class makes me laugh..(augustine,shaun,etc)
Im suppose to send hazel a letter to try her address but im too lazy now, so today mayb ill do it,=D, mayb ill include a eyebrow stud for her...

So tmr is just exams and thn rot my ass till 15 june when its the 1st day for my attachment,..
Will be meetin monkey tmr also miss her like hell,=D.....
So thts the plan for tmr,hmm,....

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