Sunday, July 26, 2009

Well this is my week top stuff,been learnin alot gettin better in skills,soon new plating more recipe ...
Chef Adrian said when plating time its considered my play time to show my skill and learn from mistakes..

So on WED chijmes had an event to i was moved to upper club to help out, went up to the ballroom place..Man!!! its was beautiful, the lights and the ambience...
The event was for dances that came together so celebrate dacing like foxtrot, waltz and etc..
So i was in banquet section 1st was kinda boring but when orders came it came like running water, one after another, damn!! it was slam but a gd experience, i love the desserts especially...

On SAT, went to see heleyna sing again, before work, man!! its been long since she sang and it was nice to end of my week seeing her sing..
hope to meet up with her soon,for i gotta head off to bed..
Another slamming prep tmr...

Monday, July 20, 2009

Well today is another off day, went to meet rey to just hang out with him, n talking to him made me realize im one lucky asshole, i always get 'tekan' n push in the kitchen n i thought i learned little bit but actualli, im gaining experience the more i get fucked andall the minor injuries i learn more and move faster and its onli been 1 mnth plus, im suprised..

All i hope now is a fren of mine gets i wat get he deserves it, i doubt my chef will take him in but wat the hell i may be suprised again!..
well for now im gonna share wat i knw wit him maybe if can, show it to him, he deserves it he has the passion there not me...

so tmr will be another day of slamming mis-en-place, head on!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Well 1st i wanna say happy birthday to lilian huang, its monday the 13 alr so yea =D..
Her party yesterday was great, gamble like fcuk, strip peeps of their money made a new friend and did some funny stuff...

At the end it was bad experience bad, din knw wat the fcuk i was doin, i wanted to say softly wat i 'saw' but my mouth, tongue and throat was damn dry, so thn as everyone wld react, panic!?!?..
But all that has pass and ill cont. not thinkin of anything...

My ship went down in a sea of sound
When I woke up alone I had everything
A handful of moments I wished I could change
And a tongue like a nightmare that cut like a blade
In a city of fools I was careful and cool
But they tore me apart like a hurricane.
A handful of moments
I wish I could change but I was carried away

Made me think abt stuff, i don realli have and aim or where i wanna be or become but i still have my base there, so i guess ill strt of from there..
I miss heleyna...alot!?!?
Everyday its like a routine for me
10.30 at work
2.30 split shift
6.30 dinner shift
10.30 end

Well tmr is another day at work, gonna b learnin hot section stuff now, hope i don let my chef down...

we use to be so close talkin on the phone
for hrs, we use to meet just to see each other
cause it was a nice sight,
i hope it was still like that, but you're so caught
up with your school,friends,boyfriend and home,
so its hard for me to fit in all that and for you to fit me in,
i wish things would be different, ill make the difference?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Well its the best sunday so far its raining and its my off day =D...
So where do i strt my week, work been like that, ppl gettin sick so now its like onli 3 peeps in the kitchen, chef adrian, chef alavi and me...
So its been productive teamwork hot help cold and vice versa..
Finger heeling well so now goin to learn to saute with left...
Tmr is monday and as usual preps comes down like a bomb but oh well got my pay tho, which will be in on tueasday =D....
Watched Transformers 2 alr, wooo! reminds me of when i was small.(beast wars)
Anyways will update as time go buy =]...

and my fav scene and transformer,sideswipe...