Monday, July 20, 2009

Well today is another off day, went to meet rey to just hang out with him, n talking to him made me realize im one lucky asshole, i always get 'tekan' n push in the kitchen n i thought i learned little bit but actualli, im gaining experience the more i get fucked andall the minor injuries i learn more and move faster and its onli been 1 mnth plus, im suprised..

All i hope now is a fren of mine gets i wat get he deserves it, i doubt my chef will take him in but wat the hell i may be suprised again!..
well for now im gonna share wat i knw wit him maybe if can, show it to him, he deserves it he has the passion there not me...

so tmr will be another day of slamming mis-en-place, head on!!!

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