Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Well its been a long time since i blogged, now time wat is time i don even have time on my side-.-..
anyways ill strt form work,
its been great chef wan me here and there, im glad to help, i just hate a certain chef of mine tht uses me, i mean he dosent teach me anything i don learn a shit from him, no speed, coordination or accuracy...
2 more mths and ill be out,im not sure if ill be happy or sad to live...

My B'day:
it was great for the 1st fucking time i get to see all my frens on the same day, i treated thm food at serangoon gardens, heleyna, rey, jude and lil...i din get much presents on my birthday but im happy, to me my b'day is just a normal day its been like tht for 6 years, so yea, i enjoyed my birthday...

Was a bore no customers just a waste of time...some stupid exec chef i have...

work's been sucky, real sucky, feel used everyday, exec chef is a dumb donkey sitting on a pile of shit...
can't wait till im shifted to carnivore thts where my nxt trainin strts..
hoping the days past fast, heleyna O's gonna end so she said when it end we can hangout, wat cld be better thn tht,?!?!...

just waitin for jude to come over, he's late i feel slpy but at least i have choc and chips so we can eat before sleepin, don realli think i wanna go down...

Monday, September 7, 2009

day late friend

Well today was a gd strt off the week, i din go to work had "diarrhea" and best i din had to pay for my MC..harhar!!
So woke up eagerly waitin to meet heleyna,long time din see tht girl..
So thn bought her and her friends alcohol cause she ask me to, sent heleyna to pay her voice lesson thn met her mom with her..
along the way bumped into CK, she was talking to me i was just like 'wow' by her she look so diff, so i think she thinks i don care wat she was sayin,lol...

Tmr's back to work thn next week is my b'day, to think of it everything happens so fast, im gonna be eighteen,i gonna end my attachment soon,im goin army soon..
hazel and xy are comin back soon..
heleyna is gonna end her sec sch...

when will things slow down..

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

well this is me in kitchen,sadly i shld have put my phone more front so ya'll can see me plate the dishes..
everyday i work i think where will i be in this line 10 yrs time from now,im not a passionate chef but i like i do and ill work hard just for the money,well there's one thing i learn, aggression is progression...
so if im aggressive in kitchen ill be somewhere one day...
Its sad tho, i don share my sadness or happiness with anyone,friends are friends, they'll listen but its just not there, i always feel alone and no matter how much work takes up my time i still have this feeling in me...

Of all the gd days, times and feelings my work takes up, it din take one thing away from me, something ill always have with me, love to do and keepin on doin it as long as it takes ill be one a kind tht contributes to music..