Monday, September 7, 2009

day late friend

Well today was a gd strt off the week, i din go to work had "diarrhea" and best i din had to pay for my MC..harhar!!
So woke up eagerly waitin to meet heleyna,long time din see tht girl..
So thn bought her and her friends alcohol cause she ask me to, sent heleyna to pay her voice lesson thn met her mom with her..
along the way bumped into CK, she was talking to me i was just like 'wow' by her she look so diff, so i think she thinks i don care wat she was sayin,lol...

Tmr's back to work thn next week is my b'day, to think of it everything happens so fast, im gonna be eighteen,i gonna end my attachment soon,im goin army soon..
hazel and xy are comin back soon..
heleyna is gonna end her sec sch...

when will things slow down..

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