Sunday, May 31, 2009

Just found out tht some of these are very true, its from Facebook, realli find this cooll!!!

Jeremy completed the quiz "What kind of mask do you wear?" with the result Innocence.
Your mask is innocence. You are innocent but not easily impressionable. You always give people the benefit of the doubt, and are nice to everyone you meet. You never really judge anyone, but you sometimes may judge yourself. Everyone who meets you usually adores you, even if you don't really know it. You always think you may be messing up or doing something wrong, but you're usually not. You don't have a problem restricting yourself from things you think you shouldn't do, although sometimes you're a bit curious. Sometimes people try to take advantage of you, but you don't always notice. Over all you're untainted, friendly, and everyone loves you. .

Jeremy completed the quiz "Who are you.... really?" with the result Lover.
Your life is all about love and seeking love in return! You are a romantic soul, and like the famed Casanova will likely have many lovers in your lifetime. You thrive in environments and activities that allow you to be seductive and tempting. You are often able to see the good in people when know one else can; your greatest fault is that you care too much. When you don't get what you want, and your standards are high because you know what you have to give, you cry and move on to the next lover. You dream that one day you will find the true love you idealize. In the mean time, you will capture many hearts and break them as well. A force to be reckoned with, You know who you are; and you will not be satisfied until you have found true love..

Last but not least, Totems!?!?!...

September 22 to October 22


Raven, Crow, Dove

The raven is intelligent, cleaver and mystical. Raven people are peace loving, idealistic and charming. They long for harmony in the community and must stay away from uncertainty and inconsistency.

Visit this webby to see urs =D (

Well today is Sunday, my event is over alr, im happy =]
Well i realli enjoyed myself workin with rey and kian ann, how rey and i wld always had to go find stuff together and late nights home and how ill call KA fat boy slim and he'll call me tandoori?!?!
so yea, miss those times alr, being a Jr Sous was interestin, there were days i miss use tht rank, there are days i enjoy being tht and days where i felt sucky being one..
But overall i'm realli happy, i actualli wld'nt mind goin the whole shit again,lol...
Ill miss my class and how jokes wld just pop out of somewhere, the chillin out in sch till late thn head back home or even how the shitheads of the class makes me laugh..(augustine,shaun,etc)
Im suppose to send hazel a letter to try her address but im too lazy now, so today mayb ill do it,=D, mayb ill include a eyebrow stud for her...

So tmr is just exams and thn rot my ass till 15 june when its the 1st day for my attachment,..
Will be meetin monkey tmr also miss her like hell,=D.....
So thts the plan for tmr,hmm,....

Friday, May 22, 2009

Well short post, today my ma'm called she said tht the chef from chijmes was trying to call me but cld'nt get tru, straight away i knew wat she was goin to say, weell there was bla bla bla before she said i was ACCEPTED!!!!!

so im startin work abit earlier which is on 15 june, hooray!!!...
next week goin down there back again to sign my internship with my IC....


My culinery class is having an event, its nxt week 29th may, all are invited and those who wanna come tag me on my blog or facebook, msg me or prompt me online...
Pls do Support....


~Scallop & quail eggs served with sweet Corn Puree salad~
~Mushroom Chicken Soup~

~Red Snapper with Risotto, served with crabmeat with Pesto Sauce.~
~Seafood Linguine served with clam,squid & Prawn.~
~Cornish Lamb with provencale Vegetable with baby spinach and thyme Jus~

~Dessert Platter: creme brulee & Chocolate Lava with capuccino ice-cream.~
~Sable Breton with raspberries and vanilla cream with vanilla ice-cream.~

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Just came back from capella interview, went well, nice chef...
waitin for call tmr...

as usual i knew i wld go alone, i wrote my own CV what i thought was needed,well yea...
i knew i wld walk alone, alone ill rise too =*...
sadly, i wish i had someone beside me but, i can do it on my own will....

right now i wish my flu wld die off, my nose is alr big enough thank u -.-...
If everytime i blew my nose off on a tissue and money comes out ill be happy at least, but yea...
im feeling super lazy to walk to the tv, so the nearest thing is my phone, i press N i get nicolette 1st and.... im gonna say hi...


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Well wad happen a few hours and mins ago...

1st, i left my CV in reys bag, n he was kind enough to come all the way under my blk to pass it back to me cause i guess he knew i was sick, thx bro...
Wad i see is he's a friend tht will go n extra mile to accomplish smt or for a friend...

2ndly, i met heleyna today, she called me n sounded sad so yea i kinda knew smt was wrng, so she wanted to meet me near my place so i said okay...
went to meet her n she was having a misunderstandin with ......, yea, so hugs was given n she left for home..
She's the type of person that won't leave behind her friends or loved one, she's been my best for comin 4 yrs i knw almost everything abt her, the best part we don talk or see each other alot or even often but im still close to her she calls me dear and darling, n those smalls word tells me ill always have a special friendship with her...

lastly, like just recently i had to re-do my CV n as usual got printer no ink and Zheng Hao came to my last min rescue and printed for me, since he stayed so near i just went by to collect a few mins n best, his mom did some touch up on my CV....
He's always trying to give a helping hand in watever way he can, no matter how ppl may treat him, i guess his a unique fellow....

God i just wanna say thx,
for opening my eyes on some topics n stuff.
i guess if i need to see smt out of ppl ul show it to me,
all i just hope is some ppl wld change and have smt unique in thm..

so now im just hoping the best for my interview =]
Oh n thx nicolette for always textin me, u keep me calm at times =]

Monday, May 18, 2009

Somewhere Between All Our Laughs, Long Talks, Stupid Little Fights And All Our Jokes, I Fell In Love..

Just got the news that h.a.f pet hamster(cookie) died...
i knw how it feels to lose a pet,don wry heleyna i bet she was a happy hamster having an owner like you...

Feeling sick now, body aching, head bangin, chest pain due to all the coughing, i feel like a cat which has a furball stuck in the throat -.-...
Well now just doin nth, hoping Xy n hazel or nicolette willl come online...hmm yea?!?!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

It wont be the same when ya'll are back...
But we'll have this again soon...


Well the things ive been up to lately...
Grp 2 event, was great, went well an am realli happy for them...

Hoping the best for us now...

And just a few hours ago 2 of my friends left for France, even if it is for 4 months, i still miss thm, once they teard i got ready, hold myself back, i just stared...

Sry to Xy and Hazel, we plan outings but it din happen, we were busy i guess but we always rmbered u 2...

at the airport it was kinda hard to see thm go, i realli want thm to take care of thm selves,..

To xy i wanted to take a pic wit u but if i did i wld have teard, i shld have, instead thinkin of my pride...
seeing hazel cry so much made me sad enough, i took a pic wit her and lookin back at the pic her eyes were puffy...

am realli happy for u girls and sad at the same tym...
rey teard after u girls left, i guess after havin a fren for so long their tears will be urs too...

to u 2 girls come home in one piece, take care and well be here to welcome u back home when the day comes....

right now, i miss kohsy..
do skype soon

see u guys soon =]

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Well today was a gd day...
Din follow rey to chk out stuff, pushed Kian ann to do it, besides he needs to lose his tummy, lol =D..
so thn after SQL test i came home slack awhile thn skype-d with hazel and xy..will miss thm. they'll be goin france for attachment, am realli happy for thm, hopes the best for u two =]

Thn decided to chk out beyond my area usin my bike, but b4 tht i brasso-d it...
Man do i love my Dyno VFR, its rare and valueble to me so yea...

So I rode my bike till i came out to Yio Chu Kang...-.-
i was like WTF, thn i turned left and saw....24 HOUR PRATA HOUSE =D....
in my head i was thinkin, jude we got new place to go, this time my area, my district, MUAHAHAHA!!!!
and best, the way to get there is the most darkest way, WOOOOO.....

so till nxt tym....

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Happy MOM'S Day, mom!!!

and to all mothers too...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

I'll pray for you...
Do come online soon....

Sometimes,wishful thinking, feels the heart with colors
To much of it,kills the heart...

Friday, May 8, 2009

Well Ma'm just called me to tell me Chef Alavi replied her,im like super happy, im goin for the interview on 19 or 20th may....
Gonna just keep calm for the interview, 1st was a mistake, 2nd will be better...
learnt from a certain friend of mine, how not to rely on other ppl
how to preserver

My Best!!!
Do well for ya mids...

thx heleyna and rey....

Well im still waitin for Capella...
hoping for the best like h.a.f said...

and again your plans were broken but nvm
i understand,u were fixing a bike, -.-.....
maybe tmr i guess....

i just rmbered its gonna be 2 year anniversary of what we started,
sadly i had to end it wit my attchment, wanted it to end wif our bikes breakin apart...
Btw can we 'borrow' bike again, it was fun =D

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

God created the world in 7 days, in 7 seconds we can end all that and choose not to experience what he created....

I grew up alone as i was the only child, i cld have everything but yet i chose otherwise. I got what i needed and not what i wanted, i always had to earn my wants from my needs. Never knew how was it to be guided by someone, was always guided by my mistakes, had to learn from them so i won't fall again. People tell stories on how their lives are missing of these and that, complain about how their life sucks and how they wish this and that, but they never knew the feeling of emptiness, no matter how you try to fill the blank in, it'll never be it.
Is it love?
There are many more who feel empty inside but they still carry on.
I don't really know, i just take a day at a time.
Surprisingly, i din rely on anyone to carry on, i learnt my values from my friends. My parents was mostly busy from work, they'll be home at night. so whatever happen outside i never brought it home.
The friends i encounter with the missing piece in me that my parents never knew just how my friends will never know.
I believe i'll drift away from the close ones i have but thats how its suppose to be, i grew up alone, i'll make it alone.
People i know had to rely on someone to pick them up or move on. Who picked me up when i was was being picked on or looked down at. The last i remembered was heleyna but so, i just learned from her and adopt her personality.
The people who picked on me are now just nothing. They are still proud and egoistic but they're actually nothing. They're no harm to me and they can never be anymore.
Im glad of who i am and what i am and will never change anything if i could. Like heleyna said "everything happens for a reason" and so everything did and I'm now this person.
After this day i will not regret anything i do, i make my own decision on my own basis, following my heart.

so when he made the world in 7 days i bet he din regret it or had any complain about it, he just stood and see what we had install for him.

On the bright side, everything is comin on an up-pace, i got the exec chef contact of Capella at Chijmes. Nice guy, shook his hand, intro myself to him...
Ma'm called said Brewerks have an opening, so i had to choose between those 2, i chose Capella, as i din wanna follow my frens wanted to make it by myself, see where ill end up...
Tmr i have some phase test again O.o, don realli knw wat...
so yea hoping for the best

Friday, May 1, 2009


SYF 08' vids

so yesterday wemt tp watch heleyna perform at NAFA for the SYF event, watch the vids...

Well everthing is goin downside not much gd has happen...
i got a new phone,k850i...
and i met a new friend tricia ann....
im still worried abt my attachment, ill be tryin capella at CHIJMES,Grand Copthorne Waterfront and
miettas, so ill just be hoping for the best....