Saturday, October 3, 2009


Well thts all for a saturday...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Well its been a long time since i blogged, now time wat is time i don even have time on my side-.-..
anyways ill strt form work,
its been great chef wan me here and there, im glad to help, i just hate a certain chef of mine tht uses me, i mean he dosent teach me anything i don learn a shit from him, no speed, coordination or accuracy...
2 more mths and ill be out,im not sure if ill be happy or sad to live...

My B'day:
it was great for the 1st fucking time i get to see all my frens on the same day, i treated thm food at serangoon gardens, heleyna, rey, jude and lil...i din get much presents on my birthday but im happy, to me my b'day is just a normal day its been like tht for 6 years, so yea, i enjoyed my birthday...

Was a bore no customers just a waste of time...some stupid exec chef i have...

work's been sucky, real sucky, feel used everyday, exec chef is a dumb donkey sitting on a pile of shit...
can't wait till im shifted to carnivore thts where my nxt trainin strts..
hoping the days past fast, heleyna O's gonna end so she said when it end we can hangout, wat cld be better thn tht,?!?!...

just waitin for jude to come over, he's late i feel slpy but at least i have choc and chips so we can eat before sleepin, don realli think i wanna go down...

Monday, September 7, 2009

day late friend

Well today was a gd strt off the week, i din go to work had "diarrhea" and best i din had to pay for my MC..harhar!!
So woke up eagerly waitin to meet heleyna,long time din see tht girl..
So thn bought her and her friends alcohol cause she ask me to, sent heleyna to pay her voice lesson thn met her mom with her..
along the way bumped into CK, she was talking to me i was just like 'wow' by her she look so diff, so i think she thinks i don care wat she was sayin,lol...

Tmr's back to work thn next week is my b'day, to think of it everything happens so fast, im gonna be eighteen,i gonna end my attachment soon,im goin army soon..
hazel and xy are comin back soon..
heleyna is gonna end her sec sch...

when will things slow down..

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

well this is me in kitchen,sadly i shld have put my phone more front so ya'll can see me plate the dishes..
everyday i work i think where will i be in this line 10 yrs time from now,im not a passionate chef but i like i do and ill work hard just for the money,well there's one thing i learn, aggression is progression...
so if im aggressive in kitchen ill be somewhere one day...
Its sad tho, i don share my sadness or happiness with anyone,friends are friends, they'll listen but its just not there, i always feel alone and no matter how much work takes up my time i still have this feeling in me...

Of all the gd days, times and feelings my work takes up, it din take one thing away from me, something ill always have with me, love to do and keepin on doin it as long as it takes ill be one a kind tht contributes to music..

Sunday, August 30, 2009

we are who we are

well 1st i wanna wish jude boy,


he turned eighteen and i was working, hmph, so yea..
i can't say much...



it was great, thx lil for the invitation, i miss hangin out with ma frens...
so some ppl i wanted to knw over there but na, nvm...
hope things will change, to be better...
Now is all, work.. work... n more work
ill upload a vid of me tmr after work...
i like wat i do but sometimes it makes me think...

Monday, August 24, 2009

blue street, white line city, bring on the rain..

Well today was a gd day alot of walking was made..
1st, lil's baptism and confirmation, CONGRATS, wanted to meet heleyna but things went of scale ..
So next met rey, so the plan was like this

-wanted to watch bruno but failed, try but still failed..
-rey wanted to but a pair of shoe at pedro ION but, din had his size
-went/walked to the other outlets(which included plaza singapura and raffles link)but also din had it..

-went back to ION cause i thought the sales person was lazy din wanna chk and bluffing us,but,realli din had his size..

-rey helped me pay for a cap tht i wanted(thx aallloott)

So yea thts much wat happen, i felt sad cause i got wat i want n he didnt,but i hope he find a nicer pair,will pay him back for the cap soon, too..
Overall was a great day(except heleyna upset at me n rey din get his shoe),its onli sunday i can meet up wit rey so i make it the most of wat i can..
see u soon dude..

well im off to bed like rey said, "tmr monday leeeeee"....
so i got alot of stuff to do n im tired...


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Well fast update, work has been gd, nxt mnth will be moving to banquet at carnivore for chijmes which means onli 1 word 3 letters, DIE!!!!
and as the chinese wld say the 3x2 letter word JIA LAT!!!!!
Been playing my psp alot, met up with rey today had subway...

Well i gonna shower now thn off to bed, tmrs monday which means heavy prep...
hope to meet up with heleyna soon, recently shes been tellin me how important to go church and attend mass, i miss her c=....


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Well things tht happen in this week
-bicycle accident
-bought copenhagen NOON watch
-jude tonsillitis, is back
-gonna get psp

So kitchen life's been gd, now every week i gotta plan a fish dish for the set lunch soon will be meat, thn both, WA!
Now i won't be just platter/aboyer, i'll also be the one cooking the dishes hope my cordination will be smooth..
Maybe moving to Carnivore at Vivo for 1 or 3 weeks, low man-power thts why..
Thn ill be at pasta station..
Chio bo my chef plan for me,lol...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Well this is my week top stuff,been learnin alot gettin better in skills,soon new plating more recipe ...
Chef Adrian said when plating time its considered my play time to show my skill and learn from mistakes..

So on WED chijmes had an event to i was moved to upper club to help out, went up to the ballroom place..Man!!! its was beautiful, the lights and the ambience...
The event was for dances that came together so celebrate dacing like foxtrot, waltz and etc..
So i was in banquet section 1st was kinda boring but when orders came it came like running water, one after another, damn!! it was slam but a gd experience, i love the desserts especially...

On SAT, went to see heleyna sing again, before work, man!! its been long since she sang and it was nice to end of my week seeing her sing..
hope to meet up with her soon,for i gotta head off to bed..
Another slamming prep tmr...

Monday, July 20, 2009

Well today is another off day, went to meet rey to just hang out with him, n talking to him made me realize im one lucky asshole, i always get 'tekan' n push in the kitchen n i thought i learned little bit but actualli, im gaining experience the more i get fucked andall the minor injuries i learn more and move faster and its onli been 1 mnth plus, im suprised..

All i hope now is a fren of mine gets i wat get he deserves it, i doubt my chef will take him in but wat the hell i may be suprised again!..
well for now im gonna share wat i knw wit him maybe if can, show it to him, he deserves it he has the passion there not me...

so tmr will be another day of slamming mis-en-place, head on!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Well 1st i wanna say happy birthday to lilian huang, its monday the 13 alr so yea =D..
Her party yesterday was great, gamble like fcuk, strip peeps of their money made a new friend and did some funny stuff...

At the end it was bad experience bad, din knw wat the fcuk i was doin, i wanted to say softly wat i 'saw' but my mouth, tongue and throat was damn dry, so thn as everyone wld react, panic!?!?..
But all that has pass and ill cont. not thinkin of anything...

My ship went down in a sea of sound
When I woke up alone I had everything
A handful of moments I wished I could change
And a tongue like a nightmare that cut like a blade
In a city of fools I was careful and cool
But they tore me apart like a hurricane.
A handful of moments
I wish I could change but I was carried away

Made me think abt stuff, i don realli have and aim or where i wanna be or become but i still have my base there, so i guess ill strt of from there..
I miss heleyna...alot!?!?
Everyday its like a routine for me
10.30 at work
2.30 split shift
6.30 dinner shift
10.30 end

Well tmr is another day at work, gonna b learnin hot section stuff now, hope i don let my chef down...

we use to be so close talkin on the phone
for hrs, we use to meet just to see each other
cause it was a nice sight,
i hope it was still like that, but you're so caught
up with your school,friends,boyfriend and home,
so its hard for me to fit in all that and for you to fit me in,
i wish things would be different, ill make the difference?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Well its the best sunday so far its raining and its my off day =D...
So where do i strt my week, work been like that, ppl gettin sick so now its like onli 3 peeps in the kitchen, chef adrian, chef alavi and me...
So its been productive teamwork hot help cold and vice versa..
Finger heeling well so now goin to learn to saute with left...
Tmr is monday and as usual preps comes down like a bomb but oh well got my pay tho, which will be in on tueasday =D....
Watched Transformers 2 alr, wooo! reminds me of when i was small.(beast wars)
Anyways will update as time go buy =]...

and my fav scene and transformer,sideswipe...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Well today im on MC as i sliced of a quarter of my finger tip and nail, so my finger's irritatin me but nonetheless im going back to work tmr and actin back to normal, i hate my section head but oh well i gotta be patient and just concentrate on what im doin at tht moment...
So yesterday thx lil for paying or me, $113.65, -.-, thx jude also for accompanying me to the hospital...

So ever wonder how'd u get Déjà vu, well its a day in your life when you'll dream from the 1st time you've open your eyes and saw the to last time you'll ever see something(till u die)..
So that means you've dreamt from your past to your future but, a human or we can't remember that much of our dream, so when we're at a moment when we feel Déjà vu it feels like we've been in that moment before but actually, we just dreamt of our future, couldn't remember it but has the feeling of the moment in our heart..

how i wish i rmbered i was going to sliced of a quarter of my finger tip..

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Well 1st week of work, a bit of a bomb..
still having fun through it, learned loads for 6 days alr, just imagine six mnths..
Anyways my breaks from 2.30 to 6.30 long eh, so i got this book, The Way Through Doors, its a great book, passes my time, love the book alot so thx lil for intro-ing it to me...
Learn alot from the book...
so if anyone wanna meet during my break pls do tag me =]

Sunday, June 14, 2009

So tmr is the 1st day of my attachment at chijmes, kinda feel nervous and excited at the same time, more nervous actualli....
Packed my bag and just wondering wats gonna happen tmr..
I was thinking of pursuing italian cuisine, so i've yet to knw till tmr..

So far everything is going well,met heleyna for awhile today after church thn back home..
Met zheng hao thn and now waitin for jude to come over...
Tmr reportin at 11am hope things go smooth =]

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Well today had an adventure to Old Changi Hospital, abit scary but it was nice...
1st had 6 of us thn 2 left at the 2nd lvl and another 2 at the 3rd lvl...
So thn it was just me and rey, we went further thn just the 4th lvl, we headed till the roof, rey was taking tones of pic and i was just looking arnd,i wld have to say being there at night is'nt a gd idea...
We heard stuff and felt things but we just continued as we headed more up we also came across a place where they played this game to like have a 'communication' with the spirits..
Each corner of the place had candles and holder shaped triangle, so rey din took pics and we just went out straight away...
When it was down to just rey and me thing turned up a notch, we heard stuff,place got darker and breathing probs...
But in the end we made it tru and here are the pic from my phone more at reys blog...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Well today met rey at arnd 1pm to cut,reborn and highlight his hair...
Was nice to see him, tmr ill put up he pic of the end result...
He looks like some Marvel superhero and some cockhead at the same time but yea, nice hair still =D

Zheng hao did my band finish it looks nice, like uber nice, i like the colours alot..
so yea thx dude, he took like 2 days to do it, fast right and i he put effort it tht...

Tada!!!! this is my Etnies cap i bought from JB, nice right!?!?!

So everything back to normal,
i hope it stays this way n nvr changed...
I love you H.A.F

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Love is patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or
conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offence and is not
resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people's sins but delights in the
truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever
comes our way.
Cheryl Keisha

You may say you still treat me the same but i don't feel the same towards you..
Till today and the rest of the coming days your crying and hurtful voice will always be ringing in my head..
Im sorry for being you're friend..
Like i said if i could re-do us i would have not met u at all..
I think thats the best for you..

Monday, June 8, 2009

Well you if try try try.. and thn keep on trying, sooner or later, smthing has to happen..
H.A.F has forgiven me but still, things don't feel the same..
I don't realli knw how to make it better and time is smthing im running out of..

Well today morning went of to JB like 11am, took like two hours to reach there, thx to traffic jam...
Got there, settle at City Sqaure, looky see around, found a hand full stuff i fancy, but just got my self a cap,flexfit 210 fitted, Etnies..
Wanted to get an Egyptian belt and a Paul Smith shoe but thought maybe nxt time..
Shirt there a fancible too =D..
Went to visit a church there and took some pics(will be up soon), went arnd to see the place, man! its bad, any criminal can just go there and hide, take cover and stuff..
JB.. i pity the ppl who live there its f-ing hot and so...bad, i guess...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

1st June

1st of june, monday, i made the biggest mistake.
Heleyna and me, we're not close anymore, in fact, we're not even friends anymore.
Because of one mistake i made, i showed that i never even knew her well.
But actually i do.

I've never lost someone i love or a best-friend, what am i suppose do now.
I want her back.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Well dusty blog of mine, its been long, com had some problem, thx to jude its now fresh, like damnn!!! fresh!!!...

So thts my class my anyways, class CL, the one and onli, will miss damn, we have idiots in the class but they're the best bunch of idiots i've met..
i hope i see thm or bump into thm one day...
To jonathan i can belive u in the same course as me n we're jr sous and 6 yrs of knwing u too...
To rey and kian ann thx for the fun days with u guys, was realli fun doin the event beside you too..Rey, sry for irritaitin u for the last few days of sch, i just hadddd to do it furama, so yea, thx...To KA fat is coolll =}

Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow

Monkey, im sry for wat i did, i realli am, i guest i hurt u so much,
till you'll let me go n forget me?
i wld give anything to reverse time between us, so many thing i wanna undo..
Im sry, ily

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Just found out tht some of these are very true, its from Facebook, realli find this cooll!!!

Jeremy completed the quiz "What kind of mask do you wear?" with the result Innocence.
Your mask is innocence. You are innocent but not easily impressionable. You always give people the benefit of the doubt, and are nice to everyone you meet. You never really judge anyone, but you sometimes may judge yourself. Everyone who meets you usually adores you, even if you don't really know it. You always think you may be messing up or doing something wrong, but you're usually not. You don't have a problem restricting yourself from things you think you shouldn't do, although sometimes you're a bit curious. Sometimes people try to take advantage of you, but you don't always notice. Over all you're untainted, friendly, and everyone loves you. .

Jeremy completed the quiz "Who are you.... really?" with the result Lover.
Your life is all about love and seeking love in return! You are a romantic soul, and like the famed Casanova will likely have many lovers in your lifetime. You thrive in environments and activities that allow you to be seductive and tempting. You are often able to see the good in people when know one else can; your greatest fault is that you care too much. When you don't get what you want, and your standards are high because you know what you have to give, you cry and move on to the next lover. You dream that one day you will find the true love you idealize. In the mean time, you will capture many hearts and break them as well. A force to be reckoned with, You know who you are; and you will not be satisfied until you have found true love..

Last but not least, Totems!?!?!...

September 22 to October 22


Raven, Crow, Dove

The raven is intelligent, cleaver and mystical. Raven people are peace loving, idealistic and charming. They long for harmony in the community and must stay away from uncertainty and inconsistency.

Visit this webby to see urs =D (

Well today is Sunday, my event is over alr, im happy =]
Well i realli enjoyed myself workin with rey and kian ann, how rey and i wld always had to go find stuff together and late nights home and how ill call KA fat boy slim and he'll call me tandoori?!?!
so yea, miss those times alr, being a Jr Sous was interestin, there were days i miss use tht rank, there are days i enjoy being tht and days where i felt sucky being one..
But overall i'm realli happy, i actualli wld'nt mind goin the whole shit again,lol...
Ill miss my class and how jokes wld just pop out of somewhere, the chillin out in sch till late thn head back home or even how the shitheads of the class makes me laugh..(augustine,shaun,etc)
Im suppose to send hazel a letter to try her address but im too lazy now, so today mayb ill do it,=D, mayb ill include a eyebrow stud for her...

So tmr is just exams and thn rot my ass till 15 june when its the 1st day for my attachment,..
Will be meetin monkey tmr also miss her like hell,=D.....
So thts the plan for tmr,hmm,....

Friday, May 22, 2009

Well short post, today my ma'm called she said tht the chef from chijmes was trying to call me but cld'nt get tru, straight away i knew wat she was goin to say, weell there was bla bla bla before she said i was ACCEPTED!!!!!

so im startin work abit earlier which is on 15 june, hooray!!!...
next week goin down there back again to sign my internship with my IC....


My culinery class is having an event, its nxt week 29th may, all are invited and those who wanna come tag me on my blog or facebook, msg me or prompt me online...
Pls do Support....


~Scallop & quail eggs served with sweet Corn Puree salad~
~Mushroom Chicken Soup~

~Red Snapper with Risotto, served with crabmeat with Pesto Sauce.~
~Seafood Linguine served with clam,squid & Prawn.~
~Cornish Lamb with provencale Vegetable with baby spinach and thyme Jus~

~Dessert Platter: creme brulee & Chocolate Lava with capuccino ice-cream.~
~Sable Breton with raspberries and vanilla cream with vanilla ice-cream.~

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Just came back from capella interview, went well, nice chef...
waitin for call tmr...

as usual i knew i wld go alone, i wrote my own CV what i thought was needed,well yea...
i knew i wld walk alone, alone ill rise too =*...
sadly, i wish i had someone beside me but, i can do it on my own will....

right now i wish my flu wld die off, my nose is alr big enough thank u -.-...
If everytime i blew my nose off on a tissue and money comes out ill be happy at least, but yea...
im feeling super lazy to walk to the tv, so the nearest thing is my phone, i press N i get nicolette 1st and.... im gonna say hi...


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Well wad happen a few hours and mins ago...

1st, i left my CV in reys bag, n he was kind enough to come all the way under my blk to pass it back to me cause i guess he knew i was sick, thx bro...
Wad i see is he's a friend tht will go n extra mile to accomplish smt or for a friend...

2ndly, i met heleyna today, she called me n sounded sad so yea i kinda knew smt was wrng, so she wanted to meet me near my place so i said okay...
went to meet her n she was having a misunderstandin with ......, yea, so hugs was given n she left for home..
She's the type of person that won't leave behind her friends or loved one, she's been my best for comin 4 yrs i knw almost everything abt her, the best part we don talk or see each other alot or even often but im still close to her she calls me dear and darling, n those smalls word tells me ill always have a special friendship with her...

lastly, like just recently i had to re-do my CV n as usual got printer no ink and Zheng Hao came to my last min rescue and printed for me, since he stayed so near i just went by to collect a few mins n best, his mom did some touch up on my CV....
He's always trying to give a helping hand in watever way he can, no matter how ppl may treat him, i guess his a unique fellow....

God i just wanna say thx,
for opening my eyes on some topics n stuff.
i guess if i need to see smt out of ppl ul show it to me,
all i just hope is some ppl wld change and have smt unique in thm..

so now im just hoping the best for my interview =]
Oh n thx nicolette for always textin me, u keep me calm at times =]

Monday, May 18, 2009

Somewhere Between All Our Laughs, Long Talks, Stupid Little Fights And All Our Jokes, I Fell In Love..

Just got the news that h.a.f pet hamster(cookie) died...
i knw how it feels to lose a pet,don wry heleyna i bet she was a happy hamster having an owner like you...

Feeling sick now, body aching, head bangin, chest pain due to all the coughing, i feel like a cat which has a furball stuck in the throat -.-...
Well now just doin nth, hoping Xy n hazel or nicolette willl come online...hmm yea?!?!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

It wont be the same when ya'll are back...
But we'll have this again soon...


Well the things ive been up to lately...
Grp 2 event, was great, went well an am realli happy for them...

Hoping the best for us now...

And just a few hours ago 2 of my friends left for France, even if it is for 4 months, i still miss thm, once they teard i got ready, hold myself back, i just stared...

Sry to Xy and Hazel, we plan outings but it din happen, we were busy i guess but we always rmbered u 2...

at the airport it was kinda hard to see thm go, i realli want thm to take care of thm selves,..

To xy i wanted to take a pic wit u but if i did i wld have teard, i shld have, instead thinkin of my pride...
seeing hazel cry so much made me sad enough, i took a pic wit her and lookin back at the pic her eyes were puffy...

am realli happy for u girls and sad at the same tym...
rey teard after u girls left, i guess after havin a fren for so long their tears will be urs too...

to u 2 girls come home in one piece, take care and well be here to welcome u back home when the day comes....

right now, i miss kohsy..
do skype soon

see u guys soon =]